Age of EthersTalaithe Island: mysterious characters and their secretsIn the vastness of the magical world, far from the eyes of civilization, lies the island of Talaithe, unmarked on any map. This island is...
Age of EthersMiniature Heroes and Monsters in "Ages of Aether"Hello friends! You often ask us about the miniatures that await you in our exciting campaign “Ages of Aether: Eye of the Storm”, and...
Age of EthersJourney into the world of “Taiga Miniatures”In a world where the boundaries of reality and imagination blur, where every figure and line on the map turns into living stories, magic...
Age of EthersNew quests. New enemiesIn “Ages of Aether: Eye of the Storm” you will become a brave hero who must travel through a world ravaged by powerful forces of nature...
BlogAge of Aether Dev Blog #2: Enemies and RewardsGreetings, adventurers! We're back with an update on our upcoming dark fantasy-themed D&D 5e adventure. Our team has been hard at work...
BlogA D&D one-shot on the making: Age of Ethers Dev Blog #1We are happy to announce that, having dipped our toes in fantasy-related content, we are now working on a D&D one-shot adventure, the...